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Welcome to the NOW - Learning Management System documentation.

The main objetive of NOW - LMS is to be a simple to {install, use, configure, mantain} learning management system (LMS).


Online education can be used as a primary source of knowledge or as a reinforcement method.

This is alpha software!

First Steps

NOW-LMS is available as a Python Package in Pypi, to run it you just have a recent Python interpreter and run the following commands:

# Python >= 3.8

# Linux or Mac:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Windows
python3 -m venv venv

# Inside your python virtual env:

python -m pip install now_lms
python -m now_lms

Visit in your browser and login with the default user and password: lms-admin.

This will install NOW - LMS from the Python Package Index with a local WSGI server and SQlite as database backend, for really tiny septups or testing this can work, for a most robust deployment suitable for many users refers to the setup guide.

NOW-LMS aims to offers a full online learning experience and is influenced by others project.