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Contributing with NOW Learning Management System.

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Thank you for your interest in collaborating with NOW Learning Management System. (the project).

Project License.

NOW LMS is free and open source software released under the Apache Version 2 license (the license of the proyect), this means that project users can:

  • Use the project for profit or not.
  • Modify the project to fit theirs specific needs (clearly defining the changes made to the original project).

However, users cannot:

  • Make use of the project trademarks without explicit permission.
  • Require warranties of any kind; the project is distributed as is without guarantees that it may be useful for any specific purpose.

Certify the origin of your contributions.

To incorporate your contributions to the project we require that you certify that the contribution or contributions are your property or that you have permission from third parties to incorporate the contribution or contributions to the project, following the developer certificate of origin.

We recommend running:

git commit -s

And an appropriate signature will be added to the commit, not included in the commits project without the corresponding Sing-Off.

Collaborating with the project:

Ways to collaborate.

You can collaborate in different ways:

Collaborating with the development of the project:

The development is cross-platform, you can use both Windows, Linux or Mac to contribute the project, to collaborate with the project you need:

Minimal Python version is: >=3.8

Technologies used:

  • Backend: Flask, with a set of many libraries:
    • flask-babel
    • flask-caching
    • flask-login
    • flask-mde
    • flask-reuploaded
    • flask-sqlalchemy
    • flask-wtf
  • Frontend: Bootstrap 5.
  • ORM: SQLAlchemy:
    • flask-alembic

Other libraries used in the project are:

  • appdirs: App directories.
  • bleach: HTML sanitisation.
  • configobj: Configuration files parser.
  • argon2-cffi: Password hashing.
  • loguru: Logging.
  • markdown: Render markdown as HTML.
  • python-ulid: Generate uniques id.
  • waitress: WSGI server.

Development is done in the branch development, once the project is released for production the branch main will contain the latest version suitable for use in production.

Getting the source code

git clone
cd now-lms

Create a python virtual env

python3 -m venv venv
# Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
# Windows

Install python deps

python3 - m pip install -r development.txt

Install Boostrap

 cd now_lms/static/
 npm install
 cd ..
 cd ..

Start a development server

hupper -m now_lms

Please note that we use waitress as WSGI server because gunicorn do not works on Windows, hupper will live reload the WSGI server as you save changes in the source code so you will be able to verify your changes as you work, please note that changes to the jinja html templates will not trigger the server reload, only changes to python source files.

Default user and password are lms-admin, default url to work with the development server will be

You can disable the default cache service with:

NO_LMS_CACHE=True hupper -m now_lms

Style Guide:

PEP8 with a maximum line length of 127 characters. Prettier for html templates.

Database Support

These database engines are supported and tested as part of the release validation process:

  • SQLite
  • PostgreSQL version 13 or superior.
  • MySQL version 8 or superior.

These database engines should work but are not tested by default:

  • MariaDB
  • MS SQLServer


SQLite works out of the box and if the default option if not other database engine is defined via configuration, to test NOW - LMS with SQLite just run:

python -m pytest  -v --exitfirst --cov=now_lms


To test NOW - LMS with Postgres follow this steps:

# On Fedora, Rocky Linux, Alma or RHEL:
sudo dnf install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
sudo postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo -u postgres psql
# We use "postgresdb"  as the default user, password and database name, you
# can use another database name or user credentials but be care of update the
# conection string before running the test or the development server.
postgres=# CREATE USER postgresdb WITH PASSWORD 'postgresdb';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE postgresdb OWNER postgresdb;
postgres=# \q

Allow connet with user and password:

sudo gedit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

And edit the line host all all ident and set it to host all all md5

Run the test with postgres:

DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgresdb:postgresdb@ pytest  -v --exitfirst --cov=now_lms


To test NOW - LMS with MySQL follos this steps:

sudo dnf install community-mysql-server -y
sudo systemctl start mysqld
sudo mysql_secure_installation
sudo mysql -u root -p
# We use "mysqldatabase"  as the default user, password and database name, you
# can use another database name or user credentials but be care of update the
# conection string before running the test or the development server.
CREATE USER 'mysqldatabase'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysqldatabase';
CREATE DATABASE mysqldatabase;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mysqldatabase.* TO 'mysqldatabase'@'localhost';

For the most the users, this script will work fine but if it asks you for the password, you can retrieve a temporary password from mysqld.log at /var/log/ by the given command:

sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log

Now you can test NOW - LMS with MySQL running:

DATABASE_URL=mysql://mysqldatabase:mysqldatabase@ pytest  -v --exitfirst --cov=now_lms