Install NOW - LMS in DreamHost shared host.
NOW - Learning Management System can be hosted at DreamHost shared hosting service, this is usefull if you alredy have a host plan in DreamHost and you want to serve a few users, in a shared hosting enviroment there will be some limitations like no separate cache service or memory constraints, but if you alredy have a host plan in DreamHost adding NOW - Learning Management System can be handy.
Last update: 2023 Nov 09
$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
$ python3 --version
Python 3.8.10
You need Python >= 3.8 in order to run NOW - LMS, with the current version of Python available in DreamHost you can run a NOW - LMS instance.
- Go to your domain folder:
$ cd your.domain
- Create a python virtual enviroment:
$ virtualenv venv
$ ls
public venv
- Activate the virtual env:
$ source venv/bin/activate
- Install NOW - LMS:
$ pip install now_lms
- Create a file in your.domain directory following the next template:
$ ls
public venv
$ touch template:
import sys
import os
# Ensure we are using the virtual enviroment.
INTERP = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "", "venv", "bin", "python3")
if sys.executable != INTERP:
os.execl(INTERP, INTERP, *sys.argv)
# Configure NOW - LMS via enviroment variables before import the app.
# Reference:
# -
os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "set_a_very_secure_secret_key"
os.environ["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "database_uri"
os.environ["UPLOAD_FILES_DIR"] = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "", "public", "files")
# Now we can import the app so it can read the configuration from the env.
from now_lms import lms_app as application
- Init NOW - LMS, be sure to run this commands in the same directory that your file. You can set the Administrator user and password o let the user use the default values. Since default values for admin user are publics in documentation they are more suitables for development purposes that for production usage.
$ ls venv public
$ ADMIN_USER=setyouruserhere ADMIN_PSWD=setasecurepasswd flask --app setup
You should se the message: NOW - LMS iniciado correctamente.
You can ignore: AssertionError: Popped wrong app context
, this message con from the way flask check the current app
running in the command line.
- You your.dommain folder should be like this:
$ ls venv public
- You can check your passenger file works running it with python:
$ python3.8
Is there are no errors Passenger should be able to run NOW - LMS without issues.
Make the
$ chmod +x
- Restart passenger:
$ mkdir tmp
$ touch tmp/restart.txt
your.domain directory should looks like this: public tmp venv
- You should be able to acces NOW - LMS in your domain.