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Why yet another learning app?

We must agree that there are many options to host your online teaching on the web.

Moodle is a PHP based giant and the primaty choice for many universities and big school, any way you must firts to use Moodle to serve a efective learning experience. Long history in short: maybe Moodle just feel to moucht for your online school requeriments.

OpenEDX is the software thats powers the EDX, another great project if you want to go big.

Udemy If you only want to organize your lesson in videos and try to reach the largest possible audience Udemy is an option, however they have an aggressive charging policy and you may feel that they take most of the profit for your online course.

Haven said thatm they are some really nice options to host your courses on line like Thinkific and Teachable, with both of then you can make a on line class run than feels yours and just pay the hosting fee, so NOW - LMS aims to be a place to your cources than you can host almost anywhere and if you want to get paid do not share the income with anyone.

These sites can be a inspiration for you:

A flexible way to set up your course.

But there is more, we want to provide a flexible way to set up your cource flow, in NOW - LMS you can set up 3 types of resources:

  • Required: A student must take the resource to advance her learning.
  • Optional: A student can choose to not take this resource to advance her learning.
  • Alternative: A student can choose betwen to or more equivalent leaning options to advance her learning.

Here is a lexample with a flaute course:

  • Lesson One (Required) - Introduction to floute
  • Lesson Two (Optional) - How to read music: Treble Clef (it is optional because a student may al ready know how to read music)
  • Lesson Tree (Alternative) - POP easy songs
  • Lesson Four (Alternative) - Rock easy songs
  • Leasson Five (Alternative) - Classic easy songs: Here a student must finish at least one on the alternative options to advance in the course, if the student takes 2 o the 3 options it will not count adicional since the idea is to let student choose its learning path and ensure at less was options have been finished and maybe evaluated.

Another example with a Linux course:

  • Lesson One (Required) - Bash command line.
  • Lesson Two (Alternative) - Installing software in Debian and derivates with apt.
  • Lesson Tree (Alternative) - Installing software in Fedora and derivates with dnf.
  • Lesson Four (Optional) - Installing software in Arch Linux with pacman.

Here a student must learn at less how to install software in Debian or Fedora and optionally learn how to install software in Arch Linux.

Not only video driven courses.

YouTube tutorials are a good way to learns something new, but creating high quality video lessons is hard and can be expensive to produce, we believe than a good course must have a good mix of resource formats, from plain text to videos, passing from pdf, infografics, audios, embebed content, etc.

With NOW - LMS you can set your cource with many resources types to offer a better leaning experience.